Your mood and your mouth are closely linked... Learn how in my latest forDr. Oz The Good Life (click on link below). But first check out this quick nugget of knowledge about why certain nutrients are essential to our mental functioning: “Your body makes the cornucopia of mood-regulating brain chemicals–such as glutamate, GABA and serotonin–by synthesizing various nutrients we take in,” explains John Arden, PhD, author of books like The Brain Bible and Rewire Your Brain. “Your diet is how you build up your supply of these neurotransmitters.” Serotonin, for example, is made from the intake of foods containing the amino acid tryptophan, which the body converts to the neurotransmitter. “If you don’t have enough tryptophan in your diet, then you don’t have enough serotonin and you’ll have deficits in your mood.” The same goes for all the other neurotransmitters that help tune your emotional dial.